ADHD and Homework: Reliable Methods to Handle the Struggle

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a mental health issue that begins in individuals from childhood. Most times, ADHD stays undetected until adulthood. However, with the awareness surrounding ADHD today, many people realize they may or may not have it.

This also includes students. Many students have ADHD, and this affects their productivity level in school. It affects students’ ability to focus, listen or put effort into schoolwork. As such, students with ADHD find it challenging to concentrate on homework.

With the nature of it, ADHD and homework do not work together. So while it’s challenging for students with ADHD to channel focus, here are trusted ADHD homework strategies to follow.

ADHD homework tips for every student

Indeed, the effort to do homework while you have ADHD is challenging. Students like this face homework struggles ADHD. The result is either copying or missing homework deadlines. To most people, it might seem like a lack of seriousness on the part of the student.

But, living and dealing with ADHD is quite challenging for students who are required to perform like their counterparts. So, here are tips on how to do homework with ADHD.

  • Find a study group or study buddy: Accountability is essential for people with ADHD. It helps them keep track and try to stay focused. If you have ADHD and struggle to do your assignments, find and partner with a buddy who makes the process easier.
  • Lighten your homework load: Students with ADHD get easily frustrated when the workload is bulky. To avoid crankiness while doing your assignment, break down the task. When the task is lighter, it makes doing it easier and more fun.
  • Create a homework spot: Create a spot for your homework that helps you stay focused. If the library is your focus spot, prioritize doing assignments there.
  • Schedule regular breaks: Scheduling breaks are necessary. To avoid burnout, schedule a short but timed break to help you recharge.
  • Set a homework time: Set a specific time for homework that you have to keep up with. Choose a good time depending on your productivity level.
  • Stay focused: It might seem trite, but staying focused is the common but effective way to handle ADHD. Notice when you’re losing your attention and try to redirect it towards your homework.

How to focus on homework with ADHD college

Perhaps you’re in college, and you’ve realized you have ADHD. Maybe you’ve realized that without the means to afford immediate medication. You’ll need to find ways to reduce how ADHD affects your homework tasks in college:

  • Always do your assignment at your favorite spot
  • Do a mental check and a few minutes of breathing when you’re losing focus
  • Be honest to yourself about why your assignment seems overwhelming
  • Organize the process of doing your assignment using an outline. For extra effect, use color to draw the outline
  • Always start with the easier homework
  • Constantly re-read your assignment until you understand the question
  • Always know what works best for you when doing your assignment
  • Set rewards for finishing your assignment
  • Go easy on yourself while struggling with your focus
  • Repeat this process for every other assignment

It can be challenging for ADHD students when it comes to how to get homework done with ADHD. While not everyone can immediately afford medication, you can practice some easy steps to help you through the process. Here we have given tips on how to focus on homework with ADHD in college.


Managing ADHD in school is not easy. It takes a series of repeated processes for students with ADHD to learn to master the focus. While ADHD has a higher chance of affecting your academic productivity, following these steps will give you a higher chance of pulling through.

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